antwerp smiling looking to the side


antwerp scarlett smiling softly sitting

April is the month of diamonds and Antwerp is the city of diamonds! I had a great day in Belgium exploring this city with my mom and sister. They arrived today and I could not be happier to see them. My mom surprised me with some new sneakers from Target and they are very comfy and cute to pair with cropped jeans. Target carries these in multiple colors and you can visit Target’s website for more details. I paired this pant and shoe combo with a green sweater and a mid-thigh length leather jacket that I got from the leather market in Florence, Italy last year. If you are ever in Florence, the leather market is a MUST! If there is one thing I have learned always check out the markets in Europe for unique and authentic items. Plus you can bargain!!!! Its fun and a true market experience. My black leather purse has been perfect for traveling because I can fit an umbrella and water bottle in there with all of the essentials. The pom pom on my purse I purchased today from the market in my host city. Like I said, the market is where it is at. I also double layered my jewelry with a short gold bar necklace and a long gold quatrefoil necklace. This is a great outfit for long travel days and far walks! I hope you enjoyed my fashion excerpt from my day in Antwerp.

Have a great weekend!


P.S. “Don’t change to fit the fashion, change the fashion to fit you” ~anonymous

|Top: Target| Black Jeans: Jessica Simpson|Leather Jacket: Florence Leather Market|Black Leather Purse: Kate Spade| Brown Pom Pom: Belgian Market| Shoes: Target| Long Quatrefoil Necklace: Dress and Dwell|Gold Engraved Bar Necklace: Etsy|Gold Bangles: Alex and Ani|


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